The little chicks below are what you get when you cross an Isa Brown hen with a Barnevelder rooster.  Come out for a January 19, 2013 Poultry Raising Skill-Building Workshop to find out more!  (see poster).  It’s on a Saturday from noon to 3 pm at the Community Hall, and then people can tour a South Pender poultry operation.  We plan to start with the theme of getting started on a small scale, raising layer chickens and/or chickens for meat, in sustainable, Earth-friendly ways.   Then one of our Pender experts will cover the big topic of protection from predators.  Next another Pender poultry expert will talk about raising heritage turkeys, and finally we’ll end with the tour.   Any interested person is welcome to attend, and the workshop is free.

It was wonderful to see over 30 Penderites at the January 19 Poultry Workshop!  Here are the Poultry and Chicken Raising Handouts and Turkey Raising Handouts that were offered (courtesy of presenters Zorah Staar and Barb Grimmer).  We also thank our other presenter Tracy Calvert, especially for the tour of her poultry operation.  See also the Fraser Valley Poultry Fanciers Association website at www.fvpfa.org for a lot of good information and a catalogue of sources.
December 29, 2012