SEED SAVING & Seed Bank workshop
Below is our next workshop to support local food growing and food security:
* Skill-building workshop on SEED SAVING & SEED BANKS (Saturday, September 29, 2012, noon to 4:00 pm, Community Hall upstairs, free event). This is to follow-up to the Community Seed Bank initiative. Now we know of over 30 people keen to help, but we need to learn more and organize. Therefore, we’re arranging this free event for all interested Penderites. The workshop leader will be Rupert Adams of Salt Spring Seeds (Dan Jason’s second-in-command), but I’m aware that Pender food groups and growers know a lot about seed saving as well! There are useful models from Dan Jason and others for us all to cooperate on creating a Pender Community Seed Bank, so come out on September 29 to take another step towards this. People with no seed saving experience are also welcome. Note: what would really help at this stage is to have people volunteer to coordinate. See the poster and here for more info!