Food Preservation Classes
June 13, 2015 – Root Cellars & Build-Your-Own Food Dryers, Overview of Food Preservation, Fermenting & Canning Demo (registration & references below)
Since we’re growing more local food, we need to preserve it! So on Saturday, June 13 at the Community Hall, Heartwood is offering 3 kinds of food preservation classes.
NEW MINI-CLASS: First at 10:30 a.m., a couple of local Penderites will present and answer questions about using a Root Cellar, and also building and using a Solar Food Dryer and/or a Wood Stove Food Dryer. Many of us store crops in sheds, but using an old-time root cellars is even better. Also, electric drying units can work well, but what about building your own dryer to use the sun, or an already burning woodstove?
Our other June 13 teacher is Lindsay Kearns of Victoria, who is passionate and experienced with many forms of food preservation (canning, drying, freezing, fermentation, etc.). Lindsay has previously taught with Lifecycles ( and the Compost Education Centre (
From 11:00 am to 12:30 pm, Lindsay will teach an OVERVIEW OF FOOD PRESERVATION. This includes canning, drying, fermenting, and other methods.
After a break, from 1:00 to 2:30 pm she’ll offer a FOOD FERMENTING & CANNING DEMO CLASS. Can you say sauerkraut, kimchi, or salsa? Come see and learn how!
REGISTRATION: The mini-class at 10:30 am is free, and then the 11:00 am and 1:00 classes are each $5 payable at the door ($10 for both classes – children, and also adults on a budget, are welcome for free). It helps us plan if you pre-register (say which classes, or 250-629-3825). If you’re not sure, just drop by!
REFERENCES: Teacher Lindsay Kearns’ favourite food preservation links:
* Food in Jars:
* Well Preserved:
* A Gardener’s Table:
* Canning:
* Wild Fermentation:
* Fermenting Frenzy: