Building Simple Hoop Greenhouses

Next class – Building Simple Hoop Greenhouses:  Our Pender climate causes tomatoes, peppers, sweet potatoes, and many other heat-loving plants to cry out for some greenhouse sun capture, especially once fall approaches. Greenhouse kits can be fairly expensive (even for a small one), but there is another option. It involves a lower wooden frame or your existing garden beds, hoops of PVC pipe, and clear poly plastic stretched over it, with optional window and door variations.

More will be revealed starting at 11:00 am on Saturday, October 17 (Community Hall), just after this year’s Heartwood Annual General Meeting.  This is when Heartwood is offering a mini-class on “Building Simple Hoop Greenhouses”, led by Zorah Staar.  We also invite informal sharing about other kinds of greenhouse building.  The class fee is $5 (free for children/youth, or if you attend the 10:30 am AGM first!).  It really helps us plan if you pre-register by emailing or calling Zorah at 250-629-3825.

NEW NOTE:  As door prizes, we have 5 greenhouse doors of wood (somewhat weathered, one with plastic already on it) and also two roles of clear poly plastic.  Come see how we put these things together!

REFERENCES:  See this link for photos and a description of how Alysha Punnett of the Victoria Compost Education Centre built her small hoop greenhouse (first photo below), plus this budget based on new materials (used even better!).  In addition, the remaining pictures below are from two different larger hoop greenhouses built by Colin McLarty, which were reviewed at the October 17 class.

Thanks so much to Colin and Alysha for contributing their expertise to this greenhouse building class, and to the Greenangels woodchoppers of Pender, for their donation in support of practical community education like this!