Southern Gulf Islands (SGI) Food & Agriculture Planning (UPDATED)
SPRING, 2022: In March, 2022, Roz Kempe and Ben Dunsmuir of the Gulf Islands Food Co-op, in cooperation with key stakeholders, completed a lengthy SGI Food System Assets and Priority Actions REPORT (funded by the CRD’s Southern Gulf Islands Community Economic Sustainability Commission). A key driver was to update the still invaluable 2017 Southern Gulf Islands Food and Agriculture Strategy. This was with current local food system asset analysis, and priority actions to take next.
BACKGROUND: The Southern Gulf Islands (SGI) Food and Agriculture Strategy was made up of a series of important and useful REPORTS (from 2014 to early 2017). The main goals were to assist island food producers with the extreme challenges facing them, and also to maintain and increase island food security. This was by gathering together all pertinent data, analyzing all relevant factors, and then producing recommendations and reference materials for future use.
Many of the key Ag Strategy recommendations are now embodied in the inter-island collaboration and practical projects that the new GULF ISLANDS FOOD CO-OP (GIFC) started creating in the fall of 2017! The way forward can now be guided by what Southern Gulf Islands food producers, food groups, and other supporters decide to prioritize for practical action.
The invaluable Food & Ag Strategy documents were released from 2014 to April, 2017, by 4 Consultants and a CRD Planner working together with a Steering Committee of food producers and community members. You can see the resulting reports BELOW:
2017 SGI Food and Agriculture Strategy – Summary of 19 overall Recommendations
2017 Southern Gulf Islands Food and Agriculture Strategy (detailed Recommendations pp. 51 – 61)
2014 SGI Food and Agriculture Strategy Land Inventory
2016 SGI Food and Agriculture Strategy Market Opportunities Analysis