September, 2019 – Co-op Services now initiated…
SEPTEMBER, 2019: The Food Co-op has now begun offering the first of the NEW SERVICES BELOW. Thanks to Vancity, CRD, and Community Works funding, we are paying islanders to work on the following:
(1) CO-OP TABLES for joint selling at island Saturday Markets, for producers who don’t need their own table each week (successfully initiated on Galiano and Mayne this past summer, and now at the Pender Winter Market);
(2) JOINT BULK BUYING for less expensive purchasing of key things needed by food and livestock producers, e.g. see our first Bird Netting Bulk Buy, and make a suggestion for what your island’s producers need in bulk;
(3) FREE HAULING of compostable materials for soil building, e.g. manure, leaves, plant waste, wood chips, soil amendments (now gearing up – tell us what you have or need);
(4) ADDITIONAL INDIGENOUS OUTREACH & CO-OPERATION to follow up on Saturna and Pender Tsawout gatherings (Galiano and outreach with Penelakut next);
(5) CO-OP ECOMMERCE ready to go, for producers who want to try selling online through the Co-op (with 5% admin fee, just the cost of our highly secure, credit card payment system);
(6) NEW EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOPS for food and livestock producers, coming in early 2020 (after previous Soil Building and Indigenous Foods programs).
CONTACT Co-op Coordinator Nancy Klein at or 250-639-0039 if you are interested or have questions/suggestions about any of the above.
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