Pender PERMACULTURE Gathering (April 15, 2018)

The next Pender Permaculture Gathering will be with Mark and Mariko Benson

SUNDAY APRIL 15th, 2018 (3 pm tour and discussion, 5 pm potluck and outdoor fire)

6612 Harbour Hill Drive  (please park on the outer street section of Harbour Hill Drive, and then walk down Gardom Lane to reach the above address)

Mark and Mariko will give a tour of this gorgeous property that was originally developed by Colin McLarty with love and skill, and is now in the experienced hands of this organic farming family. Along with chickens and orchards, a key feature is the carefully managed forest that could be an inspiration for Pender’s Parks. M&M will also discuss their plans for where to plant new trees and crops, and get some group input as to where to build a greenhouse. Ideas from the group in all these areas is encouraged. This will be followed by a potluck around an outdoor fire.

Questions?  Email

March 28, 2018

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