Joint Selling through Co-op Tables at island Saturday Markets

During the summer of 2019 (on Galiano and Mayne), and then into the fall on Pender, the Gulf Islands Food Co-op (GIFC) ran a highly successful CO-OP TABLES project.

Thanks to funding from Vancity and the CRD, GIFC was able to pay food producer “Table Hosts” and table rental fees at 25 island Saturday Markets.  This was so the Hosts could sell for dozens more of their sister and brother producers, who could then spend the 5-hour Market time back home on the land – planting, weeding, and watering to keep that local food coming!

On some islands we were able to run additional Co-op Tables at winter Markets, and key island events.

Even if you are a small food producer, if you have surplus food to sell (e.g. 5 cabbages) and may be interested in selling through Co-op Tables in future, OR the Co-op ecommerce system we have developed, please contact and let us know!

Note: See Co-op Tables 2020 page for an update and more photos!

Pender Co-op Table set up before the Saturday Market starts