Fruit Tree PRUNING & GRAFTING Class (February, 2018)

Join Matthew Vasilev and Katie Selbee at the Twin Island Cider orchard for a demonstration of how to prune both young and old fruit trees, as well as graft new apple trees. Pruning tools and theory will be discussed, followed by a hands-on demonstration in which you will be walked, step-by-step, through the process of restoring a neglected apple tree. We will finish with a short demonstration of bench-grafting apple trees. Bring waterproof boots and a note pad! Rain or shine!!!

Matthew and Katie have studied under certified arborists and commercial orchardists, and Katie is a past intern of the UBC Farm Heritage Orchard. They have been grafting, planting, pruning and restoring orchards on Pender Island for the past four years.

WHEN: Saturday, February 24th, 10AM- 12:30PM
WHERE: 5601 Lupin Rd (just off Razor Pt. Rd)
FIELD LAB FEE: $10 (payable at the orchard)

January 27, 2018

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